September 2015 Meeting Minutes
The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by President Horrace at 7:05 P.M. at the IHOP Restaurant in Nampa. There were 24 club members present.
- August meeting minutes approved
- Treasury Report presented and approved
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COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Horrace asked for committee reports:
- Club members need to remember to support the businesses that have donated to our club: Ted Marshall of Burns Ford and Bargain Boat Parts. For 2015 Burns Ford is donating club plaques again and Bargain Boat Parts is paying for tournament permits. Elken Lures offers a 10% discount on orders for current SRB members.
- Federation structure plant on C.J. Strike on October 10.
- SRB needs a conservation director if anyone wants to volunteer.
- The bass fizzing kits are available to those that need one.
IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Bill Kriner reported
- TIBF has 352+ members.
- Scales of Justice tournament on C.J. Stike on Sept. 20.
- Possibly looking for a new location for the 2016 TIBF banquet due to rising costs to rent the current building. Current opinion is to stay with current location and caterer.
- South Qualifiers are done.
- Structure plant on C.J. Strike on October 10. The Mountain Home club have a spot to store the structures plus the cement guy is willing to pour them with excess cement if someone shows up to help at a moments notice.
- A discussion was held concerning low turnout on Youth and High School championship turnout. We need to figure out how to get the word out to kids about tournament fishing opportunities in Idaho.
- Poor bass health at Lake Lowell has been brought up with IDFG; they are looking into the issue.
- IDFG website has information on fishing rules for the 2016/2017 fishing regulation; people are asked to go there to look over the changes and make comments.
YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet not present, Tom reported:
- A short discussion on getting a SRB Youth Chapter started. We need more info from TBF on startup numbers and procedures. Members need to let us know if they have youth that want to fish SRB. We also need to decide how to schedule youth tournaments.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Jay Bagley reported
- Payout and plaques for Strike and Cascade tournaments were done.
- Sign-up for the Sept. 19 Brownlee tournament was done, draw to be done Friday evening before the tournament. Blasting off around 7:10 a.m. at Woodhead Ramp.
- Any boats leaving a tournament early MUST notify someone in the tournament so that we don't go looking for missing anglers.
CLASSIC: Steve Day reported
- A discussion was held about next year's Classic location; if there is enough water we want to hold it on Owyhee in June again.
- A motion was made and passed to move $500 from the General fund to Lady Bass so that we can help an extra family.
- We received a thank you letter from Christina Schmidt for the Lady Bass / Youth tournaments.
- Tom has SRB sweatshirts for $25 and T-shirts for $15; $5 from each sale goes to Lady Bass.
- All club members need to bring $1 or a can of food to each meeting for the Needy Family program.
- Jay Bagley has a donated rod blank that he wants to use to build a rod to encourage club members to help at the Youth Open tournament and in other club events: Sports Show casting event, Classic, Jack & Jill, Youth Open, Lady Bass Open, etc.
- After a couple years of good open tournaments we have a fair amount of money in the club account. Ideas on how to spend some of it include: Lady Bass donation, new quality weigh bags for club tournaments, Snow Bowl entry, banquet food and awards or payout to club members that fished in 2015.
- Snow Bowl: IBM said that they were not running it any more, but now they want back in. Brian Ashton sent an e-mail out soliciting help from other clubs. We still don't know what the entry will be or where the money will go.
- 2015 SRB Banquet will be Sunday November 8, the day after the Snow Bowl. Location is still pending.
Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters