The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by President Horrace at 6:45 P.M. on August 24 at Copperfield Park.  There were 17 club members  and guests present.





§         August meeting minutes approved



§         August Treasury Report approved




COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President Horrace asked for committee reports:



·         Scales of Justice tournament coming up Sunday, Sept. 22 on C.J. Strike. They want to have 50 boats this year.  They have some great raffle prizes for the boaters that sign up including: Dobyns rod and Abu Garcia Winch reel, Mustang PFD and more.  Everyone gets a ticket for the rod and reel; an extra ticket is given for each day before Aug. 30 that a boater signs up.  Also, every boater gets a $50 gas card! Get signed up today.



§         SRB needs a conservation director if anyone wants to volunteer.

§         Need to do a Lake Lowell trash pickup before the lake closes


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Bill Kriner gave the following Federation report:

§         Federation Conservation Director still needed.

§         Youth Championship Tournament was August 3-4, 2013, on Cascade Reservoir.

§         The Federation is looking into making motor bands since we are having problems buying them.  The material is ordered and should be here in November. Price will be $25 per band in quantities under 25, $19 per band for 26 - 50, and $18 per band for 51 and up.

§         2014 Banquet  planning.  New location  at the Meridian Senior Center is being researched and once identified, will be booked promptly.  A larger venue is needed.

§         C.A.S.T. was August 17 on Black Canyon Reservoir; there were about 45 kids and SRB had three members attend.

§         Jack & Jill tournament is on Brownlee Sept 29.

§         Bill brought us scheduling conflicts, namely IBM scheduling on top on our Youth Open and HSN. 


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet reported:

§         BWW kicked back 15% on the food/drink tickets for people attending the award ceremony; kick-back came to $95.   We got that much because of the Qualifier people that came to BWW.  We need to talk to BWW about doing something different next year.

§         Jason is looking at possibly holding the Youth Open on a different body of water next year, maybe Swan Falls Reservoir.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Jay Bagley reported:

§         Club needs to try and build up club numbers for next year so that we can pay out more than two spots in club tournaments.

§         Club needs to look into ways of reducing fish mortality. Ideas include going back to using the portable air pumps for weigh bags, looking into a wet-weigh system and buying or encouraging the use of catch-n-release chemicals.

§         Cascade tournament is Sept. 14.

§         Jeremy suggested that the Snow Bowl Team members have a meeting Friday before the Snow Bowl.


 CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day reported:

§         Club made $573.76 on HSN.  Should be enough to pay for Snow Bowl and banquet.

§         There were a fair number of dead fish, so we need to look at ways to reduce that. Also possibly change the dead fish penalty for increased penalty for numbers of dead fish.

§         A motion was made and passed to drop the night tournament opens and go back to a one or two day  SRB Classic format for 2014.  Looking at going to Owyhee Reservoir as the fishing is good and no one is currently holding an open there.



§         Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.

§         We have enough money for one needy family that year.



§         Still waiting to see what happens at Lake Lowell to determine whether we continue the trash pickups.



·         Nominations for 2014 officers will be at the October meeting with the election at the November banquet meeting.

·         Banquet: need a location and menu.  Jason and Kira volunteered to let us use their house again.  Jay is looking at a restaurant in the Nampa area.

·         A motion was made and discussed to remove the by-laws rule involving not fishing within 50 yards of a boat that is anchored with a marker buoy out.  It will be discussed again at the October meeting and voted on at the November banquet meeting.  Here is the by-law:   Participants' boats may not touch another angler's boat when fishing a spot.  Participants may not fish within 50 yards of a boat that is anchored with the trolling motor up and a marker out unless specifically invited to do so by that angler. 


·         A discussion was held about changing the dead fish penalty for both the club tournaments and club open tournament to a progressive penalty that increase with the number of dead fish.  We will hold more discussions on this and decide on a new penalty before 2014 fishing starts.


There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.  The next meeting will be on October 7  at the IHOP Restaurant in Nampa. 

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