The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president Tom Horrace at 7:10 P.M. at Deer Flat Caldwell Ramp.  There were 7 club members present.


Meeting minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved.



August Treasury Report was approved.




COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President Horrace asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Jason Bousquet reported:

J    The Lake Lowell trash pickup was done before the September meeting.

J    The Club needs to debate whether or not to continue the LL trash pickups if the Refuge severely changes the fishing and boating rules.  We need to wait and see what happens with the proposed changes before deciding; any changes won't take place until the end of 2012.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Roger Sheltrown gave the following Federation report:

J    Let Us Recreate -Lake Lowell stickers are available for $8.00 each; proceeds go towards helping the fight to keep bass fishing at Lake Lowell.

J    Qualifier results YTD were reviewed.

J    TIBF By-laws Update:  The by-laws were reviewed with recommended changes.  Board recommended additional changes to be made.  These revised changes need to be read at next July club meetings for discussion, approval and representatives need to report back to the Board with club response.  These will not be read at July TIBF meeting.  August meeting the by-laws will be read and adopted.  Or, if additional changes recommended, they will then be read in September and adopted if all members approve.

J    Scales of Justice event is coming up and needs volunteers.

TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    Hells Canyon and Oxbow tournaments results and payouts from Aug. 27 & 28 were given out.  Jason Bousquet and Bill Kriner are the team of the year.


YOUTH: Youth Director Cody Murray had no report


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    The was a debate on whether or not to continue the potluck at HSN.



J    Roger bought the football and wants to trade it in on the autographed BSU mini helmet.

J    The search for a needy family has started.  Lady Bass has enough money for a good event this year.

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.



J    None



J    The was a debate on club members not helping with club events and members being tired of being officers. Several members present at the meeting stated that they wouldn't be SRB members in 2012; several stated that they are going to the Lakeside Bass club to avoid paying the $73 Federation dues. It evolved into a discussion on how many people would still be members next year and whether it was worth keeping the club going.

J    There was a short debate on lowering the tournament entry fees due to people complaining about high costs.

J    2012 Officer Nominations:


            -Vice President:


            -Tournament Director: Jimmy Thornock

            -Weighmaster: Tony Enrico

            -HSN Director:

            -Youth: Jason Bousquet



There being no more new business, President Horrace reminded all that the next meeting would be on Oct. 3.  The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.







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