October 4, 2010 MEETING MINUTES


The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president BILL KRINER at 7:30 P.M. at Denny's Restaurant.  There were around 11 club and family members present.


Minutes were reviewed and approved.



Treasury Report was reviewed and approved.



No guests or new members were introduced.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President KRINER asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Tom H. reported:

J    The fall trash pickup at Lake Lowell occurred Sept. 25 at 10:00 a.m.; 5 people showed up.  There wasn't too much trash to pick up and it only took about an hour to do.

J    A local boy scout troop wants to help with future trash pick-ups or structure plants.  We could get more kids involved by giving away bags of plastic baits to kids helping pick up trash.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Tom Horrace gave the following Federation report:

J    Federation Officer nominations will be at the October meeting. Anyone wanting to run for office needs to let Tom Horrace know before Oct. 21.

J    The $2 rebate from TBF for early dues is gone.

J    There was a discussion on giving part of the banquet proceeds to the State Team. There was some discussion on letting the State Team run the Snow Bowl and keep part of the proceeds, but IBM didn't want to turn over the Snow Bowl to the Federation. Also discussed was a $100 option pot at the Snow Bowl going to the State Team.  IBM will give up the Jack & Jill tournament to the Federation.

J    Federation Banquet is Nov. 20; we need raffle items, so members need to be looking. Tickets for the Federation Banquet are $45 per person for the meal and raffle tickets; the tickets are available from Tom Horrace. Banquet guest speaker is Gabe Bolivar; major raffle prize is a MinnKota Fortrex trolling motor

J    The Scales of Justice tournament was Sept. 18 on C.J. Strike. There were around 35 kids and boats.

J    If anyone has any good pictures for the Federation Banquet slide show, please send them to Steve Day.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    The SRB Snow Bowl team is set; the club voted to pay the $300 entry fee and the Team will pay it back if they win.  $5 big fish option is to be paid by individual anglers.

J    There was a discussion on bodies of water for tournaments in 2011; Anderson Ranch was mentioned.

J    There was a discussion covering possible fun tournaments that involve family members.  We will look at scheduling at least a couple fun tournaments / events in 2011.


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet reported

J    Jason does not want to be Youth Director in 2011.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    The August 2011 full moon is on Saturday Aug. 13; we want to schedule the HSN tournament on that date if possible.  Second choice: July 2011 full moon is on Friday July 15

SNAKE RIVER LADY BASS: Lady Bass President Kira Bousquet was not present and reported by e-mail

J    Kira is out for Lady Bass President in 2011. A discussion was held concerning the need for a Lady Bass President and group.  With the club going to a team format, Lady Bass plaques wouldn't really be an option.  Lady Bass will be removed from the by-laws, but the Lady Bass open and needy family program will still need to be continued.

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program.


PREMIER BASS: No more Premier Bass



J    Grand Championship was Oct. 2 & 3 on Dworshak; no results yet.



J    The free membership was voted out.



J    Everyone still needs to keep an eye open for a better meeting location.

J    More discussion on a flyer about our club to increase membership.  Roger told us that Sportsman's Warehouse will let us have a booth in the entrance to recruit members. Jeremy said that he has several spots in McCall and Cascade to put flyers.

J    A lot of changes to the SRB by-laws were discussed.  They will be posted on the SRB Website for review and be voted on at the banquet on Nov. 1.  Changes include: changing to a team format for tournaments, allowing kids to fish with a team during tournaments, changing the tournament payouts, doing away with Lady Bass offices.

J    The SRB Banquet will be held at the next meeting on Nov. 1.  We are looking at holding it at Mancino's in Nampa again. Everyone agreed that the fee per family at the banquet be changed from $5 to 10; individuals pay $5.

J    2011 SRB Officer nominations were done; if you want to run for an office we can add names at the election during the banquet. Current nominations:

o       President: Tom Horrace                      Vice-president: Roger Sheltrown

o       Secretary: Chad Beverage                  Youth: Cody Murray

o       Tournament Dir: Steve Day                Weigh Master: Bill Kriner

o       Conservation: Jason Bousquet            HSN Dir: Steve Day


There being no more new business, President KRINER reminded all that the next meeting would be the SRB banquet on Nov. 1 at a TBD location, probably Mancino's Pizza in Nampa.  The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.







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