November 2017 Meeting Minutes
The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president Tom Horrace at 7:09 P.M. at the Presbyterian Church in Nampa. There were 24 club and family members present.
- October minutes were approved.
- Treasury report presented and discussed.
THE IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Bill Kriner was not present, Steve reported:
- TIBF High School is MAy 5, 2018 and the TIBF Yout is May 6, 2018, both on C.J. Strike.
- TIBBF is looking for a volunteer to take over attemding the ISCAC / ISA metinf the first Wednesday of each month during the lefislative session, usually Oct - April.
- Changes coming for the TIBF Qualifiers; a tournament director is also needed.
- 2019 tournament date setting meeting will be Nov. 9 at Canyon Marine.
- 2018 ID/MT Semi-final is in Idaho; we need to determine a date and location. Currently looking at: Milner, C.J. Strike or Dworshak.
- 2018 Date Setting meeting is Nov. 9 at Canyon Marine
- 2018 TIBF Banquet will be Feb. 24 at the Senior Center in Meridian. Same setup as last year.
- 2018 officer nominations are open through Octoboer TIBF meeting. Current officers will stay if voted in.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Jay Bagley reported:
- Payout for Snow Bowl team and yearend awards were given out.
- Open tournaments for 2018 will be similar to the dates / locations for 2017.
YOUTH: Youth Director Mike Enrico:
- No report
Lady Bass: LB Director Jason Bousquet not present:
- No report
CLASSIC - Jack & Jill: Tom Horrace reported:
- No report.
CONSERVATION: Terry Brown reported
- IDFG is tracking bass movement for the reast of the year. Some of the tranmitters re dying early, but they still have the spring spawning season data.
- Club is looking at purchasing some more motor bands to replace the worn out bands, an LED readout for the scale, a new weigh table and some more cones.
- We have a family with 4 kids for our Christmas Needy Family program.
- Looking for ways to increase attendance at meetings. Possibly holding meeting on Friday before tournaments at the weigh-in site during tournament season.
- 2018 officer nominations currently are: President: none, V-P: Chuck Caba, Secretary: none; Treasurer: Tom, Conservation: Terry Brown, Tournament Director: Jay, Weighmaster: Jeremy, Youth: Mike Enrico, Open Director: Roger Stringer?.
- We need to get our 2018 dues in early to make life easier on officers; try to have your dues in my end of the year. Discussed some possible late penalties.
There being no more new business, the meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. The next meeting will be Dec. 4 at the IHOP Restaurant in Nampa.
Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters