NOVEMBER 4, 2012
The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters,
Inc., was called to order by President Kriner at 3:10
P.M. at the Bousquet residence during the 2012 Club Banquet. There were 33 club members and guests present.
October meeting minutes approved.
October Treasury Report approved.
REPORTS: President Kriner asked for committee
SRB needs a
conservation director if anyone wants to volunteer.
The June July August September, October,
November; the Federation will set up a meeting for all members.
Kid's First Cast is doing a casting event at Karcher
Mall on Feb. 2. Volunteers need to sign
up ahead of time due to required background checks.
Still working on a Lowrance booklet for 2013
so that we can get money or product from Lowrance.
The Federation is looking into making motor bands since we are having
problems buying them.
The IMX7 rod / TBF dues deal is still going on. Members that go for the deal still need to
pay $23 for club and State Federation dues.
TIBF banquet is February 16 in
Federation officers are done after this year, so new people need to step up for
2013. If anyone wants to run they need
to let Bruce know by November.
Tournament director Jim Thornock reported:
Ted and Don will get their plaques and checks from the
Thanks to Jimmy and Tony for doing a good job as Tournament Director
and Weighmaster this year.
2013 dates from date setting meeting: Youth / Lady Bass: June 22/23 on
Cascade; Hot Summer Night: July 20 on C.J. Strike.
Proposed 2013 SRB Tournaments: April: Brownlee, May:
Looking at doing a couple fun tournaments in 2013.
YOUTH: Youth Director Jason
Bousquet reported:
For 2013 the Youth Open is on Cascade on June 22; looking at going out
of Blue Heron ramp instead of City Ramp.
CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day reported:
Scheduled HSN on C.J. Strike again for 2013, but it looks like there
might be a conflict with the Carp Shoot tournament since it is a two-day
event. After a discussion, we will move
the HSN tournament to Owyhee Reservoir.
Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each
meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.
LB is going to donate to two families this year.
Still waiting to see what happens at
"Election" results:
o President: Tom H
o VP: Bill K
o Slave Labor: Steve D
o Tournament Director: Jay B
o Weighmaster: Jeremy O
o Youth: Jason B
o HSN: Jay, Jeremy, Steve
SRB places 4th in the Snow Bowl.
Officer and Big Fish awards were handed out; thanks to Jason for making
the nice Big Fish plaques.
A big thanks to Jason and Kira for letting us hold
our banquet at their home; another big thanks to Tom for making great BBQ pork
and brisket, plus his famous beans.
There being no more business, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:55 p.m. The next meeting
would be on Dec. 3 at the IHOP Restaurant in
Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters