The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president Tom Horrace at 7:30 P.M. at Deer Flat Visitor's Center.  There were 8 club and family members present.


Meeting minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved.



May Treasury Report was reviewed and approved.



J    Steve Jones, Federation Conservation officer was present.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President Horrace asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Jason Bousquet reported:

J    The first part of the meeting was a presentation by Deer Flat Refuge personnel on the potential changes to Lake Lowell due to the CCP.

J    The Federation structures were planted in Cascade Reservoir on Sunday May 15. The weather started out nice, but got nasty towards the end.  Thanks to everyone that helped!

J    Need volunteers for Kid's Day/Bio Blitz day at Lake Lowell on June 11.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Roger Sheltrown gave the following Federation report:

J    The 2011 Youth Championships was on Cascade Reservoir on May 21; 4 kids fished.

J    Idaho is hosting the TBF Regional Championship in 2012; it will be held on C.J. Strike.

J    The Federation Banquet date is officially changed from November to February 18, 2012.

J    TIBF is looking at buying a couple sail-style banners for sports shows and other events.

J    Cabela's wants the Federation to do seminars, etc. at a Father's Day event.

J    TIBF now has a Facebook page.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    Payout for Owyhee and Cascade tournaments was done.

J    Next tournament is July 23 on C.J. Strike.


YOUTH: Youth Director Cody Murray reported:

J    Cody is working on getting sponsors lined up for the Youth Open.  WA Trust is donating $50 towards food, plus letting us use the big BBQ again.  Cody's business is donating $150.  Elken Lures is donating tackle packs again.  Howard's Tackle is donating some stuff.

J    Jason has applied with Cabela's for donations for the youth open tournament.

J    No meeting before Youth/Lady Bass tournaments.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    The  2011 Hot Summer Night tournament is scheduled for the full moon on Saturday Aug. 13.

J    We have the ODFW permit and need only one more signature on the Marine Event permit.  Steve still needs to go talk to Oregon Parks & Rec about the Misc. Use Permit.

J    Jason bought $207 worth of BSU items to be autographed by BSU players.  The items will be raffled off at tournaments or maybe sold on e-bay to raise money for youth and Lady Bass projects.  



J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.



J    None



J    Everyone liked the Deer Flat Refuge Visitors center as a meeting location, so we will continue to meet there.


There being no more new business, President Horrace reminded all that the next meeting would be July 11 at the  Refuge Visitor's Center at Lake Lowell.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.







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