The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president BILL KRINER at 7:20 P.M. at Denny's Restaurant.  There were around 14 club and family members present.


Minutes were reviewed and approved.



Treasury Report was reviewed and approved.



No guests or new members were introduced.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President KRINER asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Tom H. reported:

J    Nothing to report


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Tom Horrace gave the following Federation report:

J    President's Report: In the TBF NW Region both Montana and Wyoming are short of the required number of members to have a Federation; may have trouble getting insurance for night tournaments in the future; TBF is considering going to an e-mail blast system for sending info to members; TBF has 4 pages in each FLW Outdoors magazine and they are looking at using them for ads to raise money; TBF High School and College fishing team circuits are taking off; no more youth travel money from National Guard, Idaho has enough money for this year, but we need to find ways to raise money.

J    Idaho Federation is looking at an on-line newsletter on the website.

J    IDFG gave the release boat back to the Federation; we need to come up with insurance and registration for it.

J    We are looking at not including the Federation dues with the banquet tickets this year.

J    Idaho is going to turn in a story to TBF/FLW about the Cascade and Salmon Falls structure plants.

J    The Federation is selling SolarBat sunglasses for $15.99.  There are 5 styles and the Federation needs to have at least a dozen of any design to order. The Federation has a sample kit and we will get a chance to look at it before ordering.

J    The Federation is still looking for ideas on getting members to pay their dues before the end of the year so that we can get our TBF refunds that are used for Youth and Conservation.

J    If anyone has any good pictures for the Federation Banquet slide show, please send them to Steve Day.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    The awards for the Cascade and Hells Canyon/Brownlee tournament were handed out.

J    A thank you e-mail was sent to Larry Raganit for letting us use his Premier permit on Brownlee.  We may end up reimbursing him for the permit.

J    Dates, locations and logistics for a fun tournament were discussed.  Cascade and Oxbow came out as the top two choices with a possible date the first part of August. A survey will be posted on the SRB website and e-mailed out by June 15 so that members can vote on the tournament.


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet reported:

J    The Youth Open on Owyhee went pretty well.  We ended up with 23 kids; they all got tackle packs.  We got a lot of donations for the tournament.

J    We paid for a logo for the kids ribbons; 100 were printed and we have over 75 left.  The logo can be used for plaques in the future.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    We have the permits and a preliminary copy of the entry form.

J    Lady Bass is looking at selling coffee and breakfast on Sunday during the weigh-in.  Biscuits & Gravy and Breakfast Burritos were suggested.


SNAKE RIVER LADY BASS: Lady Bass President Kira Bousquet reported:

J    The Lady Bass Open on Owyhee went well and made some money for the Needy Family program.  The rod that Tony Enrico donated plus the other donations helped the raffle raise funds.

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program.



J    Brownlee tournament was cancelled; next (and last) Premier tournament is Lake Lowell on July 10.



J    Superior Bass had 19 boats on Owyhee; some nice fish were caught.  Next tournament is June 19 & 20 on Anderson Ranch.



J    The discussion on doing away with the free membership was postponed.



J    Jeremy Onthank has been working to get some SRB club sweatshirts.  They are royal blue with gold and white logos on the chest and back.  If we order 10 or more we can get them for $20 each. We had 5 or 6 people order at Brownlee and another 4 order at the meeting, so we should get the price break.  Adding names to the front might cost another couple dollars.  


There being no more new business, President KRINER reminded all that the next meeting would be on July 5 at the Denny's Restaurant in Nampa.  The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.







Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters