The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by vice-president Roger Sheltrown at 7:10 P.M. at Deer Flat Visitor's Center.  There were a whopping 4 club and family members present.


Meeting minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and approved.



June Treasury Report was reviewed and approved.




COMMITTEE REPORTS:       Vice President Sheltrown asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Jason Bousquet reported:

J    No report


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Roger Sheltrown gave the following Federation report:

J    2012 Youth Championship will be August 28 on Cascade; kids wanting to fish need to sign up by July 15.

J    Lake Lowell-Deer Flat Refuge update:  A draft has been developed by members and concerned bass fisherman relative to the ongoing future comprehensive planning for Lake Lowell.  A second meeting is scheduled for July 23 to finalize the proposal. 

J    1000 Boat Parade to Lake Lowell was held on Saturday, July 9.  Participants met at Karcher Mall 8am. to line up for drive out to Lake Lowell.  Sounded like they had almost 100 boats.

J    The TIBF July Meeting agenda will include guest speaker Susan Kain, dept. Fish & Wildlife representative.  Bruce is asking that all members attend to hear her views and discussion directly from Fish & Wildlife perspective. 

J    President Expenses:  Bruce advises there are multiple office expenses associated with this position.  He suggests that this position be allocated an office expense budget.  There was discussion and it was recommended he identify and provide Board his actual annual expenses.  Tabled for August meeting.

J    TIBF By-laws Update:  The by-laws were reviewed with recommended changes.  Board recommended additional changes to be made.  These revised changes need to be read at next July club meetings for discussion, approval and representatives need to report back to the Board with club response.  These will not be read at July TIBF meeting.  August meeting the by-laws will be read and adopted.  Or, if additional changes recommended, they will then be read in September and adopted if all members approve.

J    TIBF weigh scales:  Bruce has suggested that the TIBF purchase own set of scales.  One brand of scale proposed with a cost of upwards $2,000.  This is a system that quickly reads weight, prints weigh slip at time of weigh-in.  Item tabled for further research and will be discussed at August meeting.  In the meantime, at any future weigh-ins, weigh slips will be used as a back up system for recording fisherman weights.

TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    Next tournament is July 23 on C.J. Strike.  Due to the possibility of hot weather it was decided to try and blast-off as early as possible and weigh-in at 2:00 p.m.  Drawing was held for the C.J. Strike tournament.


YOUTH: Youth Director Cody Murray reported:

J    24 kids fished the Youth Open.  The fishing was tough, but the raffles did fairly well.

J    Holding the Youth and Lady Bass Opens in the first week in August in 2012 was discussed.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    The  2011 Hot Summer Night tournament is scheduled for the full moon on Saturday Aug. 13.

J    We have the ODFW permit and the Marine Event permit.  Steve still needs to go talk to Oregon Parks & Rec about the Misc. Use Permit.



J    The Lady Bass Open had 13 ladies fish.  Again, the fishing was tough, but the raffles did pretty well.

J    The autographed BSU mini helmet and football will be placed for bids on Craig's List. Proceeds will benefit Lady Bass and Youth.

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.



J    None



J    Due to lack of people attending, the monthly meeting raffle was postponed until August.

J    Everyone liked the Deer Flat Refuge Visitors center as a meeting location, so we will continue to meet there.


There being no more new business, Vice President Sheltrown reminded all that the next meeting would be August 1 at the  Refuge Visitor's Center at Lake Lowell.  The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.







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