The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president BILL KRINER at 7:30 P.M. at the Denny's Restaurant.  There were around 15 club and family members present.


The minutes of  December 2009 were approved as written.


TREASURY REPORT: The Treasurer reported a balance of $205.00, down from $1430.21.  Some of the missing funds are due to a series of bad checks from a club member last year and the service charges from the bank; the rest is uncertain.  Treasury report approval was put on hold to allow for some investigation.


INTRODUCTIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Roger Sheltrown brought a potential new member.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President KRINER asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Tom H.. had no report

J    We are still looking at doing the trash clean-up at Lake Lowell in the evenings to increase participation.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Mike Ball gave the following Federation report:

J    Federation banquet report; we made between $4000 and $5000 at the banquet.  Funds will go toward Youth and Conservation.

J    Plans are still being made to do a structure plant at Cascade in 2010.

J    We are getting ten $100 certificates from Evinrude for use by member clubs for their opens or at the 2010 Federation banquet.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    Permits are applied for 2010.  The championship on Owyhee was moved from Aug. 14 & 15 to Aug. 28 & 29 due to a conflict with another club.

J    There was some discussion on the increased Oregon fishing licenses and the added invasive species permit; club tournaments will remain as they are scheduled. Boundary waters (Brownlee, Oxbow, Hells Canyon) are exempt from the permit, but the Oregon permit is required to fish Owyhee or any other water entirely in Oregon.  The Oregon annual non-resident fishing license went from $61.50 to $106.25; non-resident day license are now $16.50.


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason B. reported:

J    We need to start getting donations for the Youth Open.

J    There was some discussion on moving the Youth Open due to OR license fee increases.

J    There was some discussion on revamping the Youth program to try and increase participation.  In 2009 we only had 2 kids participating part-time.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors STEVE DAY and BILL KRINER  reported:

J    We got the date we wanted for the Hot August Night tournament: July 24.


SNAKE RIVER LADY BASS: Lady BASS President Kira B. reported:

J    The Needy Family project went well, the family was very happy. 

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program.

J    Kira is looking at moving the Lady Bass Open due to the increased costs to fish in Oregon and the fact that it is currently scheduled on Mother's Day.


J    Premier will not be a circuit this year; Larry will run 4 open tournaments.



J    Superior Bass is staying with the team format.

J    They have an Open tournament scheduled on the first weekend in March on C.J. Strike.

J    The Grand Championship will be on Dworshak in 2010.



J    Saigon still is short on parking spaces and does not want us back after all. We will continue to meet at Denny's until someone comes up with a better spot to hold meetings.





There being no more new business, President KRINER reminded all that the next meeting would be on Feb. 1 at the Denny's Restaurant in Nampa.  The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


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