The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by Secretary Steve Day at 7:10 P.M. at The Deer Flat Refuge Visitor's Center.  Vice-president Tom Horrace took over at 7: 25 p.m. There were 7 club members present.



§         The January meeting minutes were approved.



§         The January Treasury Report was approved




COMMITTEE REPORTS:       Vice President Horrace asked for committee reports:





§         SRB needs a conservation director is anyone wants to volunteer.

§         Let Us Recreate -Lake Lowell stickers are available for $8.00 each; proceeds go towards helping the fight to keep bass fishing at Lake Lowell.  SRB had 10 of these; one has sold, nine left.

§         We need to schedule trash pickups at Lake Lowell around the other trash pickups so that we don't double up.  Other groups pickup in April and September.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Tom Horrace gave the following Federation report:

§         Idaho Sportsman Show-looking at only doing casting events on Saturday and Sunday to maximize our help, but man the booth all four days.  Clubs will split up running the casting sessions. Looking at setting up a fake pond with fish to cast to and no sign-up for the kids. We need to build a platform for the kids to stand on and cast from.  We are looking at doing a couple kid's fishing classes on Saturday and Sunday instead of adult fishing seminars; possibly some of the FFF classes.

§         There will be a meeting in Twin Falls to strip the rails and old carpet off the release boat.  The Federation is buying paint for the rails; the new carpet is already purchased.

§         2012 Northwest Divisional is on C.J. Strike on May 6-11, 2012.  Idaho HS Champions and a Soldier Appreciation tournament will be held on Strike on May 12.  Anyone that can show up at Strike to help with the tournament would be appreciated.

§         2012 TIBF Banquet will be held in Boise on Feb. 18, same time, location, menu and price.  Tickets are $45 and available from Tom Horrace. Major raffle prize is going to be a HumminBird 998SI; list price $1995.  For those not attending the banquet, major raffle tickets are available for $10 from Tom or Steve. We also have MinnKota 80# Maxum and 80# Fortrex trolling motors to raffle off.  Brent Ehrler is the guest speaker; he is an FLW touring pro.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Jim Thornock reported:

§         Members planning on fishing club tournaments need to get their proof of boat insurance papers in to Jimmy before the first tournament.

§         Several members are looking at setting up a fun tournament in March.  If you are interested or have suggestions for a location, let us know.

§         There was a discussion on looking for new waters to fish or fishing existing waters at different times of year.  Also discussed was holding a couple meetings at tournament weigh-ins so that more people can attend.


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet reported:

§         SRB Youth Open is scheduled for July 7, 2012 on Cascade Reservoir; possibility of Lady Bass Open of club fun tournament on Sunday July 8.  We need ideas to try and increase participation, especially kids from Cascade / McCall.

§         Jason is still working on getting Buffalo Wild Wings to cater the youth open.

§         Jason has contacted the new Cabela's PR person and he is interested in attending the Youth Open and has the paperwork requesting donations for the tournament.  Jason is working on getting Tackle Tom to donate again this year.  Jason also requests that club members donate unused tackle for the youth tournament.

§         Discussed various options for a youth fishing option.  Without a viable number of kids wanting to fish a youth program, it is hard to set something up.  We will continue with the current plan for now.  Kids can fish as a full team member; kids can fish with a team as a third member, with the team limit still being 5 fish.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day reported:

§         HSN tournament scheduled for August 4, 2012 on C.J. Strike; looking at Air Force Ramp.  The permits are applied for.



§         We received thanks you letters from Love Inc and the needy family.  Tom is going to scan them and e-mail them out. A suggestion was made to make a board showing these letters to show at kis and lady events where we are holding raffles.

§         Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.

§         We need to decide whether or not to hold a Lady Bass Open on Cascade the day after the Youth Open.



§         Still waiting to see what happens at Lake Lowell to determine whether we continue the trash pickups.

§         Discussions for 2012 tournaments:

            - Stay with the team format.

            - Entry & Options: $20 per team entry, $10 Big Fish,  $10, $20 and $40 weight options for a total of             $100 per team for everything.  Payout $15 of the $20 entry fee and retain $5 for yearend awards and             Snow Bowl entry.

            - Give out tournament plaques to 3 places, pay out options and entry for 1 place per 5 boats.



§         Roger Duncan, a longtime SRB member died on Monday Feb. 6.  A motion was made and passed to buy flowers to send to the service.

§         A discussion was held on tournament scheduling for the future.  New bodies of water to look at: Bully Creek, Anderson Ranch, Arrowrock, Lucky Peak, Mann's Creek, Unity Reservoir, Swan Falls and Walcott.

§         The debate on going to individual points for team members was discussed.   A motion was made and failed to pass, so we are staying with a full team format.


There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.  The next meeting would be on March 5 at the Visitor's Center at Lake Lowell. 

Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters