The regular membership of the Snake River
Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president BILL
KRINER at 7:30 P.M. at the Denny's Restaurant.
There were around 13 club and family members present.
The minutes of January 2010 were approved as written.
Day and Tom Horrace went to our bank to find out the status of our
account. It was overdrawn at one point in
time and we accumulated banks charges of $8 per day for that, plus the bad checks and returned check fees, plus a $7
per month fee for our account dropping below $300. We asked the bank to reduce or remove some of
the charges; they credited us back for half of the fees/charges: $48.50. Tom Horrace researched our bank account
deposits and checks and it looks like we have around $379 with two outstanding checks
totaling $243 paid out to the State and Nation TBF for dues, giving us a balance of
$136 in our account. There
is money from dues and FLW memberships that needs to be
deposited. Steve is going to deposit
$900 from the Classic / HAN tournament account into the club account so that
the club can operate. There will be an official treasury report
again starting next month. We will
start having an officer (probably the Vice President) review the bank
account and treasury reports quarterly for accuracy.
We still have a number of bad checks and returned check fees from a club member that we need to
collect on.
AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: No guests or new members.
REPORTS: President KRINER asked for committee
WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Tom H.. had no report
J We are still looking at doing
the trash clean-up at
J The date has been set to
build the structures for the plant at Cascade in 2010; it is March 13, which is
the date of our C.J. Strike tournament.
Club members will still have a chance to participate in the placement of the structures which should happen in April.
The Federation has allocated $1000 for the Cascade structure plant from the
banquet money.
J SRB got one of the $100
certificates from Evinrude for use at our HAN
J There is some discussion on
having the Federation Banquet in
J There was a discussion on
clubs not paying their dues on time; SRB is currently one of those clubs.
J There was a discussion on
ISCAC dues and possibly donating some extra money to the organization. Members interested in learning what is going
on with ISCAC can go to their website and sign up for notification e-mails.
Tournament director Steve Day reported:
J All tournament permits are
applied for with no conflicts reported.
Marine event permit apps will go out this week.
J Roger Sheltrown
reported that the OR Invasive Species stickers were available at Wal-Mart in
YOUTH: Youth Director Jason B.
J The Youth Open will stay on
J Jason are
applied with Sportsman's Warehouse and Cabela's for
J It was suggested that with
the limited participation in the Youth Chapter at club tournaments that we give
our ribbons instead of plaques at tournaments.
J There was more discussion on
possible changes to our Youth Program to increase participation.
CLASSIC / HAN: Directors STEVE DAY and
BILL KRINER reported:
J We did have a problem with
Superior Bass taking our date on
J We have a $100 Evinrude Certificate to give away at the HAN tournament; we
need to decide how. Suggestions were for
Big Fish and first out of the money.
J Jason and Kira spent $400 of
their own money to buy for the Needy Family; with the bank account severely
depleted, they suggested that we not reimburse them and they write it off on
their taxes. The club felt this wasn't
fair and after discussion with Jason voted to pay them half: $200. This money was paid from the tournament
J Everyone needs to remember to
bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program.
J The Lady Bass will stay with
it's scheduled date and location: May 9 on
J Premier will not be a
circuit this year; Larry will run 4 open tournaments.
J Superior Bass Kickoff is
Feb. 6 at 4:00 p.m. at Western Marine.
J The SRB Board of Directors
(officers) voted to remove
J A suggestion was made to
make up new member packets to give new members information about our club.
J Tom Horrace volunteered to
print off the treasury reports, minutes, etc. for our meeting so that we don't
have to pay for copying.
There being no more new business, President KRINER
reminded all that the next meeting would be on March 1 at the Denny's
Restaurant in Nampa. The meeting
adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Comments/Questions or news for the website? Send E-Mail to Snake River Bassmasters