The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president Tom Horrace at 7:34 P.M. at Denny's Restaurant.  There were 11 club and family members present.


Meeting minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and approved.



March Treasury Report was reviewed and approved.



J    Guest and potential new member Ted Marshall was introduced.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President Horrace asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Jason Bousquet reported:

J    SRB's spring trash pickup at Lake Lowell will coincide with the May 2 meeting.  The plan is to meet at Lake Lowell at 6:30 p.m., do the trash pickup, then have a potluck BBQ and hold the meeting at the lake.  Tom Horrace is bringing pulled pork, everyone else is encouraged to contact Jason to sign up for other potluck items

J    We might look at sponsoring a carp shoot at Lake Lowell to help reduce the population.

J    There may be another crappie transplant by IDFG from C.J. Strike to Lake Lowell this spring.

J    Jason is looking for more conservation suggestions.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Roger Sheltrown gave the following Federation report:

J    The Federation assembled structures for the structure plant in Cascade on March 12.  They had around 20 people helping; Roger Sheltrown was there representing our club.  The date is not set for sure, but they may look at dropping the structure into the lake on the Sunday after our Cascade tournament.  It may be a good opportunity for SRB to have a potluck, spend the night, fish early Sunday morning and then help plant the structure.

J    There will be 2 Youth Championships this year so that the kids will be ready a year ahead; both are on Cascade Reservoir.

J    The Federation is looking at holding a High School Championship on C.J. Strike on May 1

J    Idaho is hosting the TBF Regional Championship in 2012. They are mainly looking at C.J. Strike right now.

J    TBF National Championship- April 12-17, 2011 in Kingman, Tennessee.  Brandon Craner, boater, and Don Boeger, non-boater, will be representing Idaho

J    Bruce encourages TIBF members to be watching website for existing and new sponsors coming on board and that we should patronizing them in return for their support.

J    The Federation Banquet date is officially changed from November to February 18, 2012.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    Lakeside Bass has the July 9 permit on Cascade; IDFG issued us a second permit for our Youth Open.

J    There has been a fair amount of support for a Lady Bass tournament on the Sunday after the Youth Open, so we will do one.  The permit is good for both days.

J    Sign-up for the Cascade tournament at the May meeting.

YOUTH: Youth Director Cody Murray reported:

J    Cody is working on getting sponsors lined up for the Youth Open.  WA Trust is donating $50 towards food, plus letting us use the big BBQ again.  Cody's business is donating $150.  Elken Lures is donating tackle packs again.

J    Jason has applied with Cabela's for donations for the youth open tournament.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    The  2011 Hot Summer Night tournament is scheduled for the full moon on Saturday Aug. 13.

J    We have the ODFW permit and need only one more signature on the Marine Event permit.  Steve still needs to go talk to Oregon Parks & Rec about the Misc. Use Permit.

J    It was decided to buy $200 worth of BSU items to be autographed by BSU players.  The items will be raffled off at tournaments or maybe sold on e-bay to raise money for youth and Lady Bass projects.  Bill knows someone at the Blue & Orange store and will try to get us a deal.



J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program. Tom will collect the money / food.



J    None



J    A discussion on allowing winners at club tournaments to choose between a plaque or having the plaque money added to his/her payout.  The motion to amend the by-laws so that payout at club tournaments will be 1 payout for each 5 boats instead of the current 3 places regardless of how many or few boats there are was voted on and passed.

J    Everyone still needs to keep an eye open for a better meeting location.


There being no more new business, President Horrace reminded all that the next meeting would be May 2 at the Caldwell Ramp at Lake Lowell.  The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.







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