The regular membership of the Snake River Bassmasters, Inc., was called to order by president BILL KRINER at 7:30 P.M. at the Denny's Restaurant.  There were around 17 club and family members present.


The minutes of  March 2010 were approved as written.



An official treasury report was presented to the club.  Treasury Report was approved.



No guests or new members were introduced.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:       President KRINER asked for committee reports:




CONSERVATION / WILDLIFE COUNCIL: Conservation Officer Tom H. reported:

J    We will do the Lake Lowell trash pick-up before the May meeting and after the pick-up, hold the meeting and have a potluck BBQ at Lake Lowell. People need to be at Lowell by 6:30 p.m. for the trash pick-up.  A sign-up sheet for potluck items was passed around.


IDAHO BASS FEDERATION: Tom Horrace gave the following Federation report:

J    The Cascade structure plant was done on March 13. There is a report with pictures on the Federation website. The placing of the structures will occur somewhere around the end of April.  We will use the IDFG barge to plant structures, but extra boats and people will be needed.  

J    Youth wanting to participate in the Junior Championship on Brownlee need to pay the $25 deluxe membership, not the $5 one.

J    The Federation Banquet will be held in Boise again in 2010 instead of in Twin Falls. We are looking for an interesting keynote speaker for the banquet.

J    The Federation is selling SolarBat sunglasses for $15.99.  There are 5 styles and the Federation needs to have at least a dozen of any design to order. The Federation has a sample kit and we will get a chance to look at it before ordering.


TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Tournament director Steve Day reported:

J    The awards for the C.J. Strike tournament were handed out.

J    There is another club scheduled on Brownlee on April 10; we will share the permit with them.  They are a smaller club, so it shouldn't be a problem.  We will alternate boats on blast-off.  Steve is still working on weigh-in coordination.

J    We are looking at doing a fun tournament in late June or early July,  possibly at Mann's Creek or Bully Creek.

J    We need to make sure we get photos taken at club tournaments for the website and promotions.

J    Steve needs to go and get the Misc. Use Permits requires for Owyhee tournaments from the Park service.  Need permits for Youth, Lady Bass, Hot Summer Night, and our club tournament.


YOUTH: Youth Director Jason Bousquet reported:

J    The Youth Open will stay on Owyhee on May 8, the hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

J    Jason has sponsorship negotiations going with Tri State, Western Marine, Howard's Tackle, Sportsman's Warehouse and Cabela's.  His is looking into food donations for the BBQ from Fred Meyers.

J    Volunteers are needed to help run the Youth tournament plus a couple BBQs for the potluck.


CLASSIC / HAN: Directors Steve Day and Bill Kriner  reported:

J    Superior did move their July tournament onto the same date as our  Hot Summer Night tournament.  We  got the Owyhee permit, but will lose boats to Superior.  We need to push for boats at this tournament so that we can make some money for the club. 

J    Kevin is going to check to see if we can get T-shirts made again.

J    Lady Bass is looking at selling coffee and breakfast on Sunday during the weigh-in.


SNAKE RIVER LADY BASS: Lady Bass President Kira Bousquet reported:

J    Everyone needs to remember to bring a can of food or a dollar to each meeting for the Needy Family program.

J    The Lady Bass will stay with it's scheduled date and location: May 9 on Owyhee.  Donations and volunteers are needed for the tournament.



J    Premier will not be a circuit this year; Larry will run 4 open tournaments.



J    Superior Bass was on Brownlee on April 3 & 4.  Fishing was fairly tough, but some nice fish were caught.





J    Tom brought up the free membership that we have been giving out and whether it is worth while.  We need to discuss this further and decide whether to keep it, change it or drop it.


There being no more new business, President KRINER reminded all that the next meeting would be on May 3 at the Caldwell Ramp at Lake Lowell.  The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.







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